Mumble/Murmur: Prevent authenticated users from rejoining their last used channel in 1.2.3-rc2

In last April, I wrote a post about setting a default channel for authenticated users in Mumble/Murmur using a hardcoded solution. In the meantime, fwaggle has submitted a patch to the Mumble project to make this function switchable using the serverside configuration file. Although this function hasn’t been documented yet, it has made its way into the current Mumble version 1.2.3-rc2.

So, it is now possible to prevent authenticated users from automatically rejoining their last used channel without editing and compiling the source code. Simply open your server configuration file (usually ‘murmur.ini’) and add the following line:


Make sure to restart Murmur after changing the settings. Authenticated users should now join the default channel after connecting to the server.

If you want to change the default channel, you may want to have a look at my old post.

Mizus RaidTracker v0.25-2-Beta released

A little update for minor Cataclysm issues. Check the MRT page for the download link.

0.25-2 Beta – Changelog:


  • The EQdkp-Plus XML export now additionally exports boss names


  • Changed LibBabble-Boss-3.0 reference for Omnitron Defense System to Omnotron Defense System

Bug Fixes:

  • EQdkp-Plus XML export: Fixed a bug which may produced wrong timestamps for boss attendees, if the attendance fix for the RLI was disabled

Browser Search Plugins for the new WoW Armory

In the last few days, Blizzard replaced the old WoW Armory with a new one hosted on Aside from the confusing design (which may be a complete subjective thing, because I’m not used to the new design yet), the most annoying part was that my Firefox search plugin stopped working. I wasn’t able to find a new one, so I searched around a found a nice description how to create my own search plugins. I was able to write my own one pretty easily.

So, if you are also searching for a working search plugin for the World of WarCraft Armory, well, here they are. Just click on the corresponding link for your desired Armory:

Activated Javascript is required for installing. Search data, images and icons are copyrighted by Blizzard Entertainment, Inc.

These search plugins should work with Firefox 2.0 or later, Google Chrome,  Internet Explorer 7 or later and any other browser, which supports OpenSearch search plugins. If you are interested in the XML files of these search plugins, here they are:

If you are interested in making your own search plugins, you should take a look at the OpenSearch Specification and at the Firefox OpenSearch developer site.

Mizus RaidTracker v0.25-Beta released

Mizus RaidTracker Version 0.25-Beta is now available for download. Check the MRT page for the download link.

0.25 Beta – Changelog:


  • Added new export format: DKPBoard
  • Added backwards compatibility to older WoW clients (Version 3.x). MRT should now work on chinese clients
  • Added functions to resume the last raid. You can finde the resume button in the raidlog browser
  • The guild attendance check text is now customizable
  • The EQdkp-Plus XML export now additionally exports item notes
  • Added options for automatically ignoring enchanting materials and gems
  • Added BossID of Magmaw


  • Renamed option “Enable MRT” to “Enable automatic tracking” to clarify its use
  • Changed boss kill detection of the Conclave of Wind from BossID based to bossyell. Bossyells for english and german clients are available (Thanks to Rhial for the german yell).


  • Updated frFR translation (Thanks to Cindelle and Deepking)
  • Updated zhTW translation (Thanks to wushiny)

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug, which may caused a reset of the “delete raids older than x days”-slider back to 90 days

Cataclysm is live! Status update of my addon projects.

I’ve been pretty busy in the last few days with work. And since Cataclysm is live, most of my free time goes into playing WoW at the moment, but I’m still working on MRT. I use it in my raids myself, after all.

Regarding WoW, my first day in Cataclysm was pretty successful:


Btw, this screenshot was taken by Memoria.

In the meantime, Lisichk0 translated Memoria into russian, so I’ve released Memoria v1.2 yesterday. You can get it from the Memoria page here or at

Regarding MRT, I’m currently testing the current alpha. A new beta version should be finished this weekend. If you would like to try out the current alpha build, then take a look at the MRT filesection of CurseForge. You can find the most recent alpha build and the changelog since the last beta version there.

New WoW addon project: Memoria

So, I’ve started a second WoW addon project: Memoria. It is only a small addon, so don’t worry, my main focus is still on MRT. So, what is Memoria?

Memoria will take a screenshot when reaching various milestones with your characters and thus will provide a retrospection about the history and achievements of your characters.

Just install it, open the options panel, set the options to your preferences and play.

Memoria should work with any WoW client language and is fully translatable. The settings of Memoria are integrated into the WoW Options panel. Memoria can take a screenshot on the following events:

  • When getting a new achievement
  • When getting a level up
  • When reaching a new reputation level (either for each new level or for exalted only)
  • When a battleground ends (either always or only when BG was won)
  • When an arena match ends (either always or only when match was won)

If you want to translate this addon, feel free to use the CurseForge localization system.

Download: Memoria (32.3 KiB)

I don’t have an arena team, so if anyone can give some feedback if Memoria works for arena match endings, that would be appreciated.

Mizus RaidTracker v0.24-Beta released

Mizus RaidTracker Version 0.24-Beta is now available for download. Check the MRT page for the download link.

This is also the first version of MRT with Cataclysm support. Detection for most raid zones and boss encounters should work. Unfortunatly, I don’t have access to the Cataclysm beta. If anyone of you is raiding on the beta realms, please feel free to provide feedback.

0.24 Beta – Changelog:


  • Added zhTW translation (big thanks to wushiny)
  • Added Cataclysm raid zone names and boss IDs
  • Added option to use a trigger for the guild attendance check instead of the character name
  • Added basic chat filtering. MRT will now supress any whispers, which are handled by the guild attendance check. MRT will print a status message, when anyone added someone as a boss attendee. This should reduce whisper spam and make MRT compatible with WIM.
  • Added UI button for starting a guild attendance check. (Same effect as ‘/mrt dkpcheck’)
  • Added new slash command ‘/mrt deleteall now’ for deleting the raid log. (Use with caution – there is no extra “Are you sure?”-dialog)
  • Added option to disable AutoFocus of the loot popup dialog. (Three options: Enable always, disable when in combat, disable always)
  • Added option for automatic deleting of old raid entries. (Use with caution)
  • Added option to export boss names and zone names in english.
  • Added a minimap icon (disabled by default – use the options panel to activate it)


  • The tracking options panel were split up into two new panels (‘Raid tracking’ and ‘Item tracking’)
  • Rewritten the CTRT-compatible export once again. It should be a bit faster. (but not by much)
  • Renamed CTRT-compatible export to “EQdkp / MLdkp 1.1 (CTRT compatible)”
  • Raid zone translations are now handled by LibBabble-Zone-3.0 – they shouldn’t need a manual translation anymore.
  • Enhanced boss ID based kill detection: Boss events with multiple mobs and a shared health pool are now trackable with a boss ID. An automatic rename system have been implemented in order to provide correct naming for such boss events (e.g. Prince Keleseth -> Blood Prince Council)
  • Localized boss event for trash mob loot before the first boss
  • EQdkp-Plus XML is now the default export format
  • The player information of the EQdkp-Plus XML export is now sorted by player name
  • EQdkp-Plus XML Export and CTRT-Export: When exporting a single boss, MRT will now set the timestamp of the previous boss (if not available, then the raid start) as raid start.
  • Revamped functions for recovering a tracked raid after a relog or normal disconnect. It should be now more fault tolerant regarding lags.


  • Updated frFR translation and boss yells (thanks to Cindelle and deepking)
  • Updated koKR translation (thanks to 7destiny)

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed sorting error of the raid attendees list (Ticket #16)
  • Fixed missing parent for a tooltip (Ticket #18)
  • Deleted an old, invalid script handler (Ticket #21)
  • Fixed enUS boss yell of Runemaster Molgeim (Iron Council – semi mode)
  • EQdkp-Plus XML Export and CTRT-Export: Fixed a bug in the code for the code in the boss attendee fix for the Raid-Log-Importer

ScrollFrame in the WoW Interface Options Addon panel

Since patch 2.4.0, World of WarCraft allowed addons to place their options into their normal Interface Options panel. It is a neat option for having a centralize point for the addon options. Mizus RaidTracker places a few panels there.

While adding new options, I ran out of place in two of my options panels for MRT. One obvious solution is to split them up in two then, when it is possible. For one panel, I had the opportunity to break up one panel into two new subject areas with an equal count of options.

For the other panel, it wasn’t possible. Sure, I could have split them up on two panels and name them like “Export Options 1” and “Export Options 2”, but I think it is rather inconvenient for a user to search on two panels for an option for a specific subject. A ScrollFrame was needed.

Surprisingly, it wasn’t that easy to implement one in the options panel. My first approach was rather straight forward – I defined a new ScrollFrame and defined the old panel as its ScrollChild. The result looked something like that:

Addon Options - ScrollFrame Container 1

Continue reading ScrollFrame in the WoW Interface Options Addon panel